Monday, October 24, 2011

Above all Jesus Christ!

“What an astonishing act of love was this, for the Father to give the Delight of his soul out of his very bosom, for poor sinners.” The Fountain of Life, John Flavel

Having shown in my last posting that the theology that bolsters the ordination of LGBT people and the push for same gender marriage is generally intertwined with a faulty Christology I want to address how one might respond as an orthodox Christian. Of course the issue of biblical prohibitions against LBGT sex should be upheld, taught and explained; and the ultimate work has already by done by Dr. Robert Gagnon. But the issue of Christology-who is Jesus, what is the meaning of the Incarnation, how does Jesus affect our theology must be the Churches biggest concern.

In making Christology the ultimate concern the devastating problems inflicted on the western mainline Churches by LGBT advocates will eventually be affected producing either a great expulsion of the orthodox from all mainline denominations or a renewal of biblical Christianity within. The truly biblical and confessional proclamation of Jesus Christ can never be ignored. The affect of that proclamation will be as Paul in 2 Corinthians puts it:

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. (3:14-17a)"

The proclamation of Christ also requires that all of the essentials of Christianity be lifted up including, the Trinity, the redemptive act of Christ and the sinfulness of humanity.

We understand from Scripture that Jesus is truly God as well as human, therefore the Trinity. (John 1:1, 14, 18; 1 Cor. 13:14; Col 2:9; Rev. 1:17-18; etc.) We know from Scripture that Jesus died for our sins, therefore the fall of humanity resulting in the sinfulness of humanity. (Matt 21:28; John 6:51, 10:11; Romans 5: 6-10, Eph 2:8-10; Rev 5: 9-10; etc.) We know from Scripture the promises of Christ that we will be empowered by the Holy Spirit therefore the power to be transformed. (Acts 1:7-8, 4 23-31; etc.)We know from Scripture that in our union with the resurrected Christ we bear the righteousness of Christ and are children of the Father. (Col. 3:1-4; Phil. 1:21, 3: 7-11; etc.) Christianity circles around the person of Jesus Christ.

This means that writing and speaking about the on-going battles over sexual sin in the Church, must be melded with proclamation about Jesus Christ. Simply put, if I say that homosexuality as a practice is sin, I must also say that Jesus Christ, who is Lord over all of life, loves the sinner and has died for sinners. If I write that homosexuality as a practice is deviancy I must also write that Christ transforms the sinner. But there is more.

The person of Jesus must be lifted up from a biblical position, and the words spoken saturated in prayer; his goodness and his beauty, his redemptive work and his kingship correctly and compassionately explained. The incarnation, from its lowly beginning in an animal’s food box to the powerful and glorious return of the King of Kings must be declared. We are compelled to speak of an empty tomb, the power of a resurrected Savior and the promise of life eternal.

And just as Martin Luther threw his ink bottle at the devil we should gather from Scripture every truth about Jesus Christ, reinforce the truth by confessional texts and throw it, so to speak, at the devil. As I stated in the first posting, “the lowering of sexual standards, is the place where the Church in the West, in this day, is called to do battle for the cause of Christ. It is here, on the issues surrounding deviant sexuality that all the essentials of the Christian faith can and will come tumbling down.” I add now, only the work of Jesus Christ on the cross will bring the great sins and heresies of our times to a halt. So preach, teach, proclaim the risen Savior in all his fullness and completeness.

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